Liberty Home Loans, LLC

67% of customers would recommend Liberty Home Loans, LLC

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Customer Reviews

4 of 5
3 Reviews
Responsiveness 100%
Product met needs 100%
Competitive rate 100%

Reviews for Liberty Home Loans, LLC

May 03, 2024 at 9:47 AM
Recommend's Thomas

Great & Professional Service

Great service! I am a 1st time home buyer and didn’t know a lot, he Never had a problem answering my million questions. Very kind & very knowledgeable

Loan Officer
VA 30 Year Fixed Georgia
Closed on time
Responds quickly
Loan met my needs

May 02, 2024 at 7:55 PM
Recommend's Jeanne V.

my name is Menalu who bought resent

my loan officer Jeanne she is very helpful, professional and respectful

Loan Officer
FHA 30 Year Fixed Georgia
Closed on time
Responds quickly
Loan met my needs
Branch: Monroe, GA
March 17, 2024 at 11:13 AM

Not Too Knowledgeable

Although Miss Walker was quite friendly and professional we discovered she was not too knowledgeable or have a vast understanding about the vast circumstances certain lenders need to qualify. There was one instance in regards to Tax situation where Miss Walker did not provide us any guidance, but provided us, a piece of documentation that proved to be not the necessary document that we needed.

Yoko's Tip: Use our loan experience as a learning tool and before communicating with clients insure you have researched not just quick google search but speak to fellow lenders clean from your supervisor to gain the information needed before speaking to your client

Loan Officer
FHA 30 Year Fixed Georgia
Closed on time
Responds quickly
Loan met my needs
Branch: Monroe, GA